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Tooth piggy bank

Implantdontics is a CPF MediSave-accredited day surgery facility for dental surgery. This means that Singaporeans and Permanent Residents can claim part of their surgical expenses from their CPF MediSave Account. Patients with insufficient funds in their Medisave Accounts may use the MediSave funds of their immediate family members who are Singaporeans or Permanent Residents. Immediate family members include spouse, children, siblings, parents, and grandparents and will still be subject to the withdrawal limits.

Some examples of surgical procedures and the range of fees claimable from MediSave are shown in the table below.

Kindly note that these are just guidelines and actual amounts claimed may differ depending on the complexity of the treatment.

Procedures Medisave Claimable Amounts
Surgical extraction of wisdom teeth $350 to $2600
Dental Implant surgery Single implant $950
Multiple (up to 7 implants $6950)
Bone grafting Up to $950
Crown lengthening Up to $950
Gum grafting Up to $650
Sinus lift From $950
Soft tissue biopsy $350
Removal of cyst Up to $950

Procedure to Use MediSave for Dental Surgery

  1. Make full payment for the treatment using cash or credit cards.
  2. Bring your NRIC and sign a form to authorise our staff to submit a claim from your Medisave account. If you are using your family member’s MediSave account, he will have to come to our clinic to sign the authorisation form and bring along his original NRIC.
  3. Upon submission, approval is usually given between one and three weeks.
  4. Once approved, we will send you the report and transfer the approved amount to your bank account.

Book your consultation today!


Implantdontics Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry | Whatsapp: +65 8394 0827 | +65 6737 7022